Customer Testimonials

I recently purchased a scarf from Khadija. I live in New York City and the weather changes each season. I love to wear lightweight scarves that are beautiful, high quality, and unique. Khadija's brand fits all my criteria and exceeded my expectations. Her scarves are lightweight and can be worn year round. The unique designs are beautiful and the scarves were hand painted. I received multiple compliments on the scarf and I am happy to say the design cannot be replicated. It is a one of a kind design which sets her brand apart from large manufacturing companies. Being able to have a unique item that no one else will be wearing will be a reason for me to purchase more products from Khadija. The fabric is high quality and does not easily fall apart when cleaned. Aside from the product, Khadija has a beautiful personality. She takes her time to explain her process and who she is behind the brand.” - Thureiyya Rodriguez, Owner of Agni NY
“I was so delighted to find Khadija's stall at the Hyattsville Arts Festival a few years ago. It was like walking into an art exhibit rather than into an artist's stall -- with flowing tapestries above, colorful hangings and garments at eye level, and small pieces of art and jewelry tucked between on tables below -- like a bazaar from the Arab world with a modern touch. Each item she had for sale was unique, stunning to the eye, and versatile as both wearable and displayable art.
The second time Khadija came to the same festival, I took home a necklace-like hanging item made of brightly colored threads, tassels, small shells, a focal mirror, and beads -- it seemed to be a beautiful summation of Khadija's aesthetic all in one small piece of art. Unfortunately for me, I gifted it to my mother (another color enthusiast and Khadija fan), so I do not have the pleasure of seeing the necklace everyday. But I know it brings much joy to my mother.” - Lena Seikaly
“Khadija is a talented textile artist who creates unique designs using a variety of techniques. Her designs reflect her Indian heritage but also have a universal appeal that embraces all cultures. She transforms her vision into beautiful one-of-a-kind wearable art. Anyone Interested in clothing with an artistic flair should consider one of Khadija's pieces.” - Gioya Bennett
"Hi Khadija, my parcel just arrived. The scarf is absolutely gorgeous. I was also surprised by the gift box it came in. It’s lovely. Thank you so much." -Marjorie Van Driest